You may want to print this page as a reference.
(Choose the "File" menu, and select "Print Page.")

Based on your responses to the preceding questions, we recommend that you take the following approach to using this CD-ROM:

(If you are dissatisfied with these recommendations, you may choose to re-answer the questions with different responses.)

Computer and Internet Experience
As a less experienced Internet user, you will want to visit the "Internet Skills" tutorial section. You will also find it useful to review the "Computer Skills" section. The tutorials in these sections are listed below:

Computer Skills:

  • Basic PCs (or Basic Macs)
  • Risk Management
  • Word Processing

Internet Skills:

  • Browser Basics
  • E-Mail Basics
  • Plug-Ins
  • Remote Access

UCF Online Course Experience
The two tutorials that focus specifically on how to access and participate in online courses at UCF are:
  • Online Course Basics
  • WebCT Basics

In addition to the tutorials on this CD-ROM, "UCF Info" contains a lot of useful information you can refer to often. The Software Page contains free links to the most useful software for online learning. (There is not a long download time because the software is installed directly from the CD-ROM to your computer.) The Library section is also very useful.

Personal Learning Style
You will probably be most satisfied by focusing on the tutorials that prepare you to perform specific tasks.

Choose one of the tutorials listed above and follow this process:

  1. Start from the Learning Online page.
  2. Select the tutorial in which you are interested.
  3. Complete the tutorial topics.
  4. Use the "You Try It" section to practice the skills taught in the tutorial.

When you have completed all of your tutorials, take a few minutes to complete the "I'm A Genius" test. (If you're in an online course, your instructor may require you to print your results page and turn it in.)

Click the "Get Started" icon to begin using the Pegasus Disc.